
Hey guys! After spending some months studying Unreal, I've finally found time to finish it. In this project I had the opportunity to understand more about some different ways to create procedural materials and functions inside UE4. It's really amazing how the engine works and I'm really glad with the result.
Besides that, a few months ago I showed this project to two talented colleagues, Nicolas Taró e Lucas Magalhães, and they had a huge interest to work on it with me. Following some advice that I've got from them I created those blend shapes and then Lucas could have the files to finish the rig.
After that, Nicolas helped me with a lot of expressions and animations! The result made me feel really glad for having them involved in this project. They will be publishing a lot of things about their works soon, so stay tuned!
Hope that you all can feel enthusiastic about this awesome character as we have been. Let me introduce you to "Gyeong", the respected one. Welcome and enjoy it!